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Section Other

This section provides additional settings that affect the application and overall system.


The game server keeps table chat history for ChatHistoryTime seconds.

<property-uint name="ChatHistoryTime" value="300"/>

The maximum number of chat messages displayed in the history.

<property-uint name="MessagesInChatHistory" value="16"/>

The path to the file that is used as a template to generate html code for a game report.

<property-path name="GameReportTemplate" value="./gamereport.rpt"/>


<property-uint name="AvatarsCount" value="1"/>

A player search pattern cannot contain less than MinFilterLengthForPlayersList characters.

<property-uint name="MinFilterLengthForPlayersList" value="0"/>


<property-bool name="RegistrationRequireMinimumFields" value="true"/>

This setting defines if t_server table is filled at the web-component connections. If it is set to false, it also changes the recording of all connections from 3-staged (the creation of record about the connection, the refresh of handleServerConnect record and the refresh of RemoveServer record) to 2-phased (the creation of handleServerConnect record and the refresh of removeServer record). This setting helps to optimize the process or making server records.

<property-bool name="StoreServerEntityForWebComponent" value="true"/>

If set to true, automatically deletes long living fast fold tables.

<property-bool name="NotWaitLongLiveRealTablesOnFastFoldTerminate" value="false"/>

Requesting the hands history from the client application leads to retrieving the history of the last NumHandsInHistory hands.

<property-uint name="NumHandsInHistory" value="50"/>

Defines the maximum date range when requesting the hands history from the client application.

<property-uint name="MaxDaysRangeInHistory" value="14"/>

Requesting the transaction history leads to retrieving the history of the last MaxTransInHistory transactions at most.

<property-uint name="MaxTransInHistory" value="200"/>

This parameter determines whether the lobby server should be stopped, if a database failure has been detected. Possible values: true (the feature is enabled), false (the feature is disabled).

<property-bool name="StopServerOnDBFail" value="true"/>

If it is true, the server correctly stops when an error occurs in the database query. If it is false - the server will ignore the error and continue to work.

<property-bool name="StopServerOnLogFail" value="false"/>




<property-str name="FlashPolicyRequest" value="&lt;policy-file-request/&gt;"/>
<property-str name="FlashPolicyResponse" value="&lt;cross-domain-policy&gt;&lt;allowaccess-from domain=&quot;*&quot; to-ports=&quot;20001-20030&quot;/&gt;&lt;/crossdomain-policy&gt;"/>

The maximum player name, table name and tournament name length.

<property-uint name="MaxNameLength" value="60"/>

The minimum player name, table name and tournament name length.

<property-uint name="MinNameLength" value="6"/>

The maximum nickname length.

<property-uint name="MaxNicknameLength" value="16"/>

The minimum nickname length.

<property-uint name="MinNicknameLength" value="3"/>

The maximum password length.

<property-uint name="MaxPasswordLength" value="20"/>

The minimum password length.

<property-uint name="MinPasswordLength" value="5"/>

If set to true, the players’ passwords must contain at least one letter in the uppercase and lowercase, as well as at least one number and special symbol.

<property-bool name="StrongPasswordValidation" value="true"/>

The maximum length of the city name.

<property-uint name="MaxCityLength" value="16"/>

The maximum length of String to be written to the database. This limitation is applied to the fields that are not listed in separate settings, such as address, state, country, postal code, name, etc.

<property-uint name="MaxDbStrLength" value="255"/>

The maximum length of LongString to be written to the database.

<property-uint name="MaxDbLongStrLength" value="4095"/>

The maximum length of a chat message.

<property-uint name="MaxChatStringLength" value="127"/>

Obsolete. Not used.

<property-uint name="MaxSeatAndGoTournamentParticipants" value="50"/>

The maximum length of a list of players sent from the server.

<property-uint name="MaxPlayersInList" value="5000"/>

The maximum length of affiliate bonus code.

<property-uint name="MaxBonusCodeLength" value="100"/>

The interval between sending the statistics from the game server to the lobby server (in seconds).

<property-uint name="SecondsBetweenUpdateEffectiveServerInfo" value="100"/>

If this property is disabled, sending hands history to the client application is not allowed. Possible values: true (the feature is enabled), false (the feature is disabled).

<property-bool name="StopServerOnDBFail" value="true"/>

The path to the file of a pseudodevice producing random bytes (in UNIX-like systems).

<property-str name="RandomNumberGeneratorFile" value="/dev/urandom"/>

This parameter enables the tracking of money transactions on tables and refunding in case of a server failure. Possible values: true (the feature is enabled), false (the feature is disabled).

<property-bool name="RefundMoneyCrashRecoveryEnabled" value="true"/>

If this property is enabled, when the server restarts after a failure, the lost money is only refunded after the administrator approves the refund transactions in the Pending Transactions list. Possible values: true (the feature is enabled), false (the feature is disabled).

<property-bool name="CrashRecoveryTransactionPendingAccepted" value="true"/>

Automatically refunds lost money to the players after a server failure at the start of the lobby.

<property-bool name="AutoRefundMoneyCrashRecoveryOnLobbyStart" value="false"/>

If set to true, the format of email address is verified: any (but not zero) number of characters before @, and at least 4 characters after.

<property-bool name="ValidateEmailFormat" value="true"/>

If this property is enabled, then Antibot system is used in desktop application. This feature enables the captcha. This captcha appears from time to time during the game and in case the player ignores it 3 times, he is logged out of the application. Possible values: true (the feature is enabled), false (the feature is disabled).

<property-bool name="AntibotEnabled" value="true"/>

The maximum number of days included in the transaction list report in the client application. The results do not get transactions older than this number of days.

<property-uint name="MaxTransactionsHistoryIntervalInDays" value="50"/>

This option enables charging a fee payment on transactions made by players using P2P. Possible values: true (the feature is enabled), false (the feature is disabled).

<property-bool name="P2PTransferFeeEnabled" value="false"/>

This parameter defines the fraction of funds charged as a transfer fee. Possible values: from 0 to 1. Example: 0.05 fee means that 5% of transfer will be paid as fee.

<property-float name="P2PTransferFeePart" value="0.05"/>

This parameter sets up the maximum fee amount.

<property-uint name="P2PTransferFeeMaxFunds" value="100000"/>
Animation, Sounds

On/off animations and sounds.

<property-bool name="Animation" value="true"/>
<property-bool name="Sounds" value="true"/>

If set to true, the Display Bet Amounts checkbox will be marked by default for players. They will be able to change it from the client application if necessary.

This checkbox defines if users can see the bet amount near the chips icon. True variant:

False variant:

<property-bool name="DisplayBetAmounts" value="true"/>

If set to true, the Auto Muck checkbox will be marked by default for players. They will be able to change it from the client application if necessary. This checkbox makes Muck action automatic when it is possible.

<property-bool name="AutoMuckCards" value="false"/>

If set to true, the Auto Post Blinds checkbox will be marked by default for players. They will be able to change it from the client application, if necessary. This checkbox makes blind posting automatic.

<property-bool name="AutoPostBlinds" value="false"/>

If set to true, the Auto Ante checkbox will be marked by default for players. They will be able to change it from the client application, if necessary. This checkbox makes ante posting automatic.

<property-bool name="AutoPostAnte" value="false"/>

If set to true, Run It Twice checkbox is enabled by default.

<property-bool name="RunItTwice" value="true"/>

If set to true, automatically switches to the active table when it is the player’s turn to act.

<property-bool name="ShowTableOnYourTurn" value="true"/>

If set to true, it will be possible to Bet or Raise by pressing Enter.

<property-bool name="BetRaiseUsingEnterKey" value="true"/>

If this option is set to true, the display name will be used in client applications instead of nickname. This can be useful if you want players to hide their logins from other users. Note: The panel, in which users may enter a display name, is enabled separately. Contact your account manager if this is necessary.

<property-bool name="UseDisplayNameInsteadOfNickInClient" value="false"/>

If set to true, Email becomes a required field during the registration, from both Backoffice and client application.

<property-bool name="RegistrationRequireEmail" value="true"/>

Defines if the server sends data to an external service for validation during the player registration.

<property-bool name="UseExternalServiceToValidatePlayerRegistration" value="false"/>

Defines if the following special symbols are allowed in the nickname:


<property-bool name="AllowSpecialSymbolsInPlayerName" value="false"/>

If set to true, only the following letters and numbers will be allowed for nickname:


<property-bool name="AllowOnlyAlphanumericCharactersInPlayerName" value="true"/>

The path to the RnG file where random numbers are logged. It is usually used for checking problems related to the random numbers generation.

<property-str name="RngLoggerFileName" value=""/>

Assigns specified classification to players at registration. Note: Classifications are an outdate feature. We recommend to use Player Groups instead.

<property-str name="PlayerGroupActivityAssignedAtRegistration" value=""/>

If set to true, the users can only see tables with the same classification as theirs. Note: Classifications are an outdate feature. We recommend to use Player Groups instead.

<property-bool name="GroupActivityTableListFilteringEnabled" value="false"/>

If set to true, the users can only see tournaments with the same classification as theirs. Note: Classifications are an outdate feature. We recommend to use Player Groups instead.

<property-bool name="GroupActivityTournamentListFilteringEnabled" value="false"/>

This setting specifies the time period (in hours) after which the player can change his limits for responsible gaming.

<property-uint name="PlayerLimitTimerangeInHours" value="168"/>

If set to true, this temporary setting will provide a miniconfig from game server, rather than lobby server. Used in conjunction with ClientMiniconfigForGS option. The default value is set by the developers and should not be altered.

<property-bool name="ClientMiniconfigForLS" value="true"/>
<property-bool name="ClientMiniconfigForGS" value="false"/>

Sets the preferred currency for newly registered players.

<property-uint name="DefaultPreferedCurrencyISO" value="NONE"/>

The following settings are only applied to the Clubs version of the app, so you can read about them in the Clubs documentation:

DefaultMaxClubsPerUser, DefaultMaxTablesPerClub, DefaultMaxTournamentsPerClub, DefaultClubMaxManagers, DefaultClubMaxMembers, DefaultMinLevelToCreateUnions, DefaultMinLevelToJoinUnions, DefaultMaxClubsPerUnion, UseBalancePartitioningBetweenClubs, ResetBalanceForUnionMemberClubs, ResetGameResultsStatisticsForUnionMemberClubs, AddPrivateGameStatisticsToUnionStatistics, UseOldClubPlayerInfoStatistics, UseClubsUnions, UseClubsLevels, UseClubsChipsPurchaseWindowInsteadShop, UsePrivateGamesInUnion , AllowClubPurchaseChipsInUnion, ForceUseWinnersOnlyRakeSchemeForClubs, UseInfiniteUnionBalance, UseInfiniteClubBalance, AllowTransferFromUnionToClub, UseSeparateJackpotBankForUnion, AllowJackpotOnlyWithUnionSeparateJackpotBank, DefaultClubsJackpotMinBankToEnable, DefaultClubsJackpotMinBankToReplenish


Defines if Rabbit Hunting should be available via fast purchases. This option is currently only supported in the Clubs application.

<property-bool name="UseRabbitHuntingFastPurchasing" value="true"/>

Defines the time period to refresh player statistics in the Clubs application. Note: In addition to that time period, it is important to consider that player statistics is only refreshed after the games.

<property-uint name="PlayerStatisticUpdatePeriodInSeconds" value="60"/>

Time to purchase rabbit hunting as fast purchase.

<property-uint name="RabbitHuntingCheckPeriodInSeconds" value="60"/>

This setting allows to specify the number of free rabbit hunting attempts for the players. If the value of this setting is equal to one, all players will have one free attempt at rabbit hunting. After the attempt is used up players are charged for all next rabbit hunting activities at all other tables. However, if the number of attempts is increased in Configuration (i.e. now GlobalFreeRabbitHuntingActionAmount=5), players will have more free tries minus the attempts they previously used (5-1=4).

<property-uint name="GlobalFreeRabbitHuntingActionAmount" value="0"/>

Defines if all users or only the one who paid can view the cards opened with rabbit hunting. This setting is only used in the Clubs application.

<property-bool name="RabbitHuntingCardsVisibleForEveryoneFeatureConsumer" value="true"/>

Enables the accumulation of player’s personal statistic.

<property-bool name="EnablePersonalStatistic" value="true"/>

Defines whether the system checks if IP of verified users is prohibited.

<property-bool name="CheckIPForVerifiedPlayers" value="true"/>

Defines whether the system checks if device of verified users is prohibited.

<property-bool name="CheckDeviceIDForVerifiedPlayers" value="true"/>

Defines if rake amount is shown at the table in the left upper corner of the page.

<property-bool name="HideRakeAtTable" value="true"/>

Changes the animation PotToCash. This setting was designed for the Clubs version of the app. Note: For this setting to work, you need to set HideRakeAtTable = true.

<property-bool name="ForceSubtractRakeFromPotOnPotToCash" value="true"/>

Changes the animation WinningBetToCash. This setting was designed for the Clubs version of the app. Note: For this setting to work, you need to set HideRakeAtTable = true.

<property-bool name="ForceSubtractRakeFromBetOnWinningBetToCash" value="true"/>

Changes the animation PotToPlayer. This setting was designed for the Clubs version of the app. Note: For this setting to work, you need to set HideRakeAtTable = true.

<property-bool name="ForceSubtractRakeFromPotOnPotToPlayer" value="true"/>

Changes the animation PlayerWon. This setting was designed for the Clubs version of the app. Note: For this setting to work, you need to set HideRakeAtTable = true.

<property-bool name="ForceAdditionBetToFundsOnPlayerWon" value="true"/>

Changes the way rake is displayed near the seat. This setting was designed for the Clubs version of the app. Note: For this setting to work, you need to set HideRakeAtTable = true.

<property-bool name="ForceSubtractRakeForSeatState" value="true"/>

Changes the way rake is displayed at the table. This setting was designed for the Clubs version of the app. Note: For this setting to work, you need to set HideRakeAtTable = true.

<property-bool name="ForceSubtractRakeFromPotState" value="true"/>

The time, during which the user cannot return to time-based table after leaving.

<property-bool name="TimeBasedTablesNoReturnPeriod" value="true"/>

Disables the dealer messages in chat.

<property-bool name="DisableDealerChatMessages" value="true"/>

Defines if auto straddle checkbox is enabled by default for players.

<property-bool name="AutoStraddle" value="true"/>

Defines if local time zone is used (true/false). Local time zone changes the time for the reports in the application and Backoffice. The time zones are specified in setting LocalTimeZone. You also need to upload the csv file with the list of time zones to the server before setting the LocalTimeZone.

<property-bool name="UseLocalTimeZone" value="true"/>
<property-str name="LocalTimeZone" value="Asia/Novosibirsk"/>

If set to true, the late registration period ends when the ticket distribution starts in tournament.

<property-bool name="FinishLateRegisteringByStartTicketDistribution" value="true"/>

If set to true, the tournament is completed at the start of ticket distribution.

<property-bool name="CompleteTournamentByStartTicketDistribution" value="true"/>

The global spending priority between money balance and bonus balance.

<property-enum name="GlobalSpendingMoneyPriority" value=""/>

This setting defines, which balance is used first on tables, in tournaments, for casino games and sports bets. It has the following modes:

  • – the money is taken first from the player's real balance at the seating/for the bet, and if there is not enough money, then the rest is taken from the bonus balance. When the user leaves the table/receives the winnings from the bet, the money is returned to the bonus balance but not more than what was initially taken from the bonus balance. The rest goes to the real balance. Example:
    • The user has $10 on the real balance and $40 on the bonus balance.
    • The buy-in at the table is $20, so $10 is taken from the real money balance, and $10 is taken from the bonus balance.
    • The user wins another $20 and stands up with $40.
    • $10 is returned to the bonus balance, so it is $40 again.
    • The rest is added to the real balance, so it is $30 now.
  • smp.bonus-balance-first – the money is taken first from the player's bonus balance at the seating/for the bet, and if there is not enough money, then the rest is taken from the real money balance. The money is returned to the real balance but not more than what was initially taken. The rest is added to the bonus balance.
  • – the money is taken only from the player's real money balance at the seating/for the bet and returned to the real money balance after leaving the table/when the player receives winnings from the bet;
  • smp.bonus-balance-only – the money is taken only from the player's bonus balance at the seating/for the bet. When the user leaves the table/receives winnings from the bet, the money is returned to the bonus balance, but not more than what was initially taken from the bonus balance. The rest goes to the real balance;
  • – the money is taken first from the player's real balance at the seating/for the bet, and if there is not enough money, then the rest is taken from the bonus balance. When the user leaves the table/receives winnings from the bet, the money is returned to the balances proportionally to what was used for the seating/for the bet. Example: if 9$ was taken from the money balance and 3$ was taken from the bonus balance, then 75% of the money from the table will go to the money balance, and 25% will go to the bonus balance.
  • smp.bonus-balance-first-proportional-return – the money is taken first from the player's bonus balance at the seating/for the bet, and if there is not enough money, then the rest is taken from the money balance. When the user leaves the table/receives winnings from the bet, the money is returned to the balances proportionally to what was used for the seating/for the bet. Example: if 9$ was taken from the money balance and 3$ was taken from the bonus balance, then 75% of the money from the table will go to the money balance, and 25% will go to the bonus balance.
  • smp.bonus-balance-only-return-surplus-to-money-balance – the money is taken only from the player's bonus balance at the seating/for the bet and returned to the bonus balance after leaving the table/when the player receives winnings from the bet but not more than what was initially taken. The rest goes to the real money balance.
  • smp.bonus-balance-first-return-surplus-to-money-balance – the money is taken first from the player's bonus balance at the seating/for the bet, and if there is not enough money, then the rest is taken from the real money balance. When the user leaves the table/receives winnings from the bet, the money is returned to the bonus balance, but not more than what was initially taken from the bonus balance. The rest goes to the real balance. Example:
    • The user has $10 on the real balance and $40 on the bonus balance.
    • The buy-in at the table is $20, so $20 is taken from the bonus balance and nothing is taken from the real money balance.
    • If the user loses and stands up with $5,that money is returned to the bonus balance, so it is $25 now.
    • If the user wins and stands up with $35, $20 is returned to the user’s bonus balance and $15 goes to the real money balance.
  • - the money is first taken from the player's real balance at the seating/placing a bet, and if the real balance becomes equal to the player’s bonus balance during this process, the remaining amount is split 50/50 between the real balance and the bonus balance. After leaving the table/when the player receives winnings from the bet, the bonus balance is replenished first, but not more than what was initially taken from it; the rest goes to the real balance. Hence, if the player makes a profit, it always goes to the real balance. The following rules apply:
    • While the real balance is greater than the bonus balance, funds are taken from the player's real balance.
    • Once the real balance is equal to or less than the bonus balance (but at least 50% of the buy-in amount can be covered by the real balance), funds are used in a 50% real and 50% bonus proportion.
    • If the real balance is less than 50% of the buy-in amount, then the whole real balance is taken and the remaining amount is covered by the bonus balance.

The maximum number of entries in the client app’s clubs financial history reports. This setting is used in the Clubs version of the app.

<property-uint name="ClubFinancialHistoryReportMaxRecordsPerQuery" value="500"/>

The maximum number of entries in the club owner’s financial history report. This setting is used in the Clubs version of the app.

<property-uint name="ClubOwnerHistoryReportMaxRecordsPerQuery" value="500"/>

The maximum number of entries in the club player’s financial history report. This setting is used in the Clubs version of the app.

<property-uint name="ClubPlayerHistoryReportMaxRecordsPerQuery" value="500"/>

The maximum number of entries in the club union financial history report. This setting is used in the Clubs version of the app.

<property-uint name="ClubUnionFinancialHistoryReportMaxRecordsPerQuery" value="500"/>

Defines the time period to check the timers. The higher values decrease the load on server but they also decrease the accuracy.

<property-uint name="HandleTimeoutsMaxIntervalMs" value="10"/>

Defines the time period to check the timers. The higher values decrease the load on server but they also decrease the accuracy.

<property-uint name="TableHandleTimeoutsMaxIntervalMs" value="10"/>

This setting is disabled by default. It enables the pop-up message that is sent to all players on all tables when the jackpot is hit. If it is false, then only the winners and those who sit at the table where the jackpot is hit will receive the messages.

Similar message is also sent to the chat. Both of these messages can be changed in the Localization. The reference for the pop-up message is msg.jackpot.some-player-won-jackpot. The reference for the chat message is These localization messages use the following parameters:

  • %1 - nick or display name of the jackpot winner;
  • %2 – the title of the table where the jackpot was hit;
  • %3 – the amount of money, received by the jackpot winner.
<property-bool name="NotifyAboutJackpotWinnerOnAllTables" value="false"/>

If set to true, the tournament’s satellites will be showed in the tournament’s lobby during late registration as well.

<property-bool name="ShowSatellitesDuringLateRegistering" value="false"/>

This is the maximum number of active cash tables on all servers.

<property-uint name="MaxActiveCashTablesAmountOnServer" value="10000"/>

This is the maximum number of active tournaments on all servers.

<property-uint name="MaxActiveTournamentsAmountOnServer" value="5000"/>

If set to false, the users see Sit&Go tournaments in all states. If set to true, the users see:

  • All Announced and Registering SnG tournaments, Running SnG tournaments until the late registration ends and Canceled SnG tournaments if there are no participants;
  • Only the SnG tournaments they are registered for in states Running, Done, Canceled.
<property-bool name="ShowSnGTournamentToParticipantsOnly" value="false"/>

Global setting that enables the check of user's money limits, specifically the limits requiring the balance to be above certain threshold to create a transaction (Ring, SnG, MTT, P2P, Withdraw, Transfer Money Limit, Tournament Money Limit).

<property-bool name="EnablePlayerFinancialLimits" value="false"/>

Global setting that enables the check for the user's responsible gaming limits.

<property-bool name="EnablePlayerResponsibleGaming" value="false"/>

Global setting that enables players' session history. If set to false, the users' logins will not be saved to the session history in the Backoffice.

<property-bool name="EnablePlayerSessionLogRecord" value="false"/>

This setting defines if user IP addresses are converted into countryId. True by default.

<property-bool name="EnableCountryDetectByIP" value="false"/>

Maximum number of entries in the cache. Default value is 10000. Automatic clearing of the cache can start every 5 min if it is filled to 90%.

<property-uint name="IpGeoCacheMaxRangesAmount" value="10000"/>

This setting is related to closing of casino rounds in Unknow state by timeout. If a round has an empty reason for closing and the time specified (in seconds) in the setting is exceeded since the date of the last operation with the round (checked once a minute), then the round is given a reason for closing CasinoRoundCloseMethod_ByTimeout = 3 and the current date in endedStamp. The last operation is considered to be the start of the lobby or any call modifying the round (poker_casino_round_create_or_update, poker_casino_round_close, poker_casino_handle_round_operations_batch, poker_casino_round_set_ext_info).

<property-uint name="CasinoRoundsAutoCloseTimeoutSeconds" value="0"/>